The HSA provides training for establishments of all sizes, ranging from large to small-scale and hobby farmers, slaughtermen and university students. The HSA uses proven training material based on the latest science and legislative requirements.
The HSA provides relevant training for stockmen involved with handling animals during transport, in markets and for slaughter. Training may be arranged for part of the requirement for Slaughter Licenses. We also offer training for Animal Welfare Officers for poultry, pigs, fish and red meat animals. The courses can include theoretical and practical components.
HSA courses are run by licensed personnel, who have both theoretical and practical knowledge of animal slaughter. The Humane Slaughter Association’s policy on provision of training in animal handling, transport and killing is available on request from the HSA and must be read prior to booking a HSA Education & Training course.
The HSA has created the following course outline with the aim of providing a useful resource for educators wishing to develop tertiary education modules on the welfare of animals during transport, marketing and slaughter. Key relevant educational material developed by the HSA and others can be easily accessed using the hyperlinks provided in the table.
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8AN, UK
Registered Charity in England No 1159690: Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Copyright ©