Small birds may be restrained manually (refer back to Catching And Handling). However, on-farm, the most commonly used restraint device is the cone. Birds are inverted into the device with the head lowered through a hole. Slaughter can then be carried out immediately.
A cone used to restrain a chicken. |
A cone used to restrain a turkey. Maintain hand contact with the bird for the first few seconds it is in the cone, this will help calm the bird. |
The time for which birds are restrained in a cone should be as short as possible prior to stunning and no longer than a maximum of two minutes for turkeys, geese and ducks and a maxiumum of one minute for other poultry. It is a good idea to maintain hand contact with the bird for the first few seconds it is in the cone as this will help calm the bird.
Remember: You must not cause any avoidable pain or suffering to any bird.
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8AN, UK
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