HSA updates technical guidance on killing of chicks in hatcheries
06 February 2023
The Humane Slaughter Association (HSA) has updated its technical guidance on Instantaneous Mechanical Destruction (IMD) for the killing of chicks in hatcheries.
The updated guidance explains the legal and welfare requirements of using IMD to kill day-old chicks, focusing on two designs of equipment commonly used in the UK. Although focusing on these two designs, the guidance does not exclude the use of other designs of IMD.
Alongside the updated guidance, the HSA has also produced a Q&A which explains more about the process of IMD and why such guidance is necessary.
Dr Birte Nielsen, Research Director for the HSA, said: “Although aesthetically unpleasant, when used correctly, IMD is a humane and effective killing method for day-old chicks. Some videos and photos circulating on social media show IMD equipment being used incorrectly which is not a humane way to kill day-old chicks.”
“Whilst day-old chicks continue to be routinely killed, it is important that their welfare is protected. We have updated our guidance to ensure all those using IMD know how to do so correctly to protect animal welfare at the time of killing. We hope that our Q&A will help to explain how, when and why IMD may be used.”
The HSA technical note 9 (TN9): Instantaneous Mechanical Destruction (IMD) is freely available to download from the HSA website and can be accessed here. The Q&A is also freely available and can be accessed here.
Related updated guidance on the Gas Killing of Chicks in Hatcheries (technical note 14) and the Code of Practice for the Killing of Chicks in Hatcheries are also available for free download.
For further information, please contact Charlie Mason, HSA Technical Director (Email: info@hsa.org.uk, Tel: +44 (0)1582 831919).