HSA continues at the forefront of scientific and technological developments
20 September 2019
The year in review – Annual Report 2018-19 now published
HSA’s Annual Report has now been published and showcases how its unique programme of research, education and advice is helping to improve farmed animal welfare around the world.
Over the course of the year, the charity has used its technical expertise and advice to respond to UK and European consultations as well as to provide training and animal welfare assessments throughout the UK. Staff have travelled to China, Switzerland and Spain in pursuit of the charity’s objectives and provided written and oral evidence to the UK All Party Animal Group on Animal Welfare.
In addition, thanks to the generosity and invaluable support of its members and donors, the HSA has been able to fund investigation of a method used in New Zealand to increase the acceptability of recoverable stunning to the Muslim community (both in the country of production and in export markets). The support has also been used to fund Student/Trainee scholarships and other activities outlined in the report.
HSA’s Chief Executive Dr Robert Hubrecht said: “The demand for meat and other livestock produce throughout the world continues to increase – not just for red meat and poultry products but also for fish and other marine life, either farmed or wild-caught. Unfortunately, this demand raises issues relating to conservation, climate change and welfare. The HSA concentrates its efforts on the last of these, working with those at the sharp end as well as with scientists and technical experts to improve the welfare of food animals.”
You can download the 2018-19 Annual Report here or request a printed copy by calling the office on 01582 831919.