HSA Centenary Research Training Scholarship
14 September 2013
In honour of its Centenary year in 2011, the Humane Slaughter Association offered for the first time, a Research Training Scholarship for a promising scientist to undertake a doctoral programme of research aimed at improving the welfare of animals farmed for food when they are either transported, housed in livestock markets or at the time of their killing.
The successful candidate, Jessica Hopkins, started her PhD at SRUC, Ayr in autumn 2011 and is investigating humane mechanical methods for killing chickens. During this second year of her PhD, Jess compared the efficacy of different methods of killing chickens and she is completing the data analysis for her second and third experimental phases. Jess presented her most recent findings:
- at the Annual Meeting of the United Kingdom Branch of The World’s Poultry Science Association at the University of Nottingham on 16 April 2013
- at the 47th congress of the International Society for Applied Ethology in Florianόpolis, Brazil on 6 June 2013
- as a poster at the UFAW International Animal Welfare Science Symposium at the Universitat Autònoma de Barcelona, Spain on 4 July 2013
The HSA looks forward to an update of Jess’ progress when we receive her annual report this autumn.