HSA CIO Membership Update
30 March 2016
Important notice for all HSA members
At the 2015 GM held on 14th October it was agreed to modernise the constitution and to make the HSA into a Charitable Incorporated Organisation (CIO). The existing governance and management structures will remain the same, and all assets, responsibilities and liabilities of the existing HSA will be moved to the new HSA (CIO). However, we cannot automatically move all existing HSA members to the new organisation. Therefore, as a matter of formality, members of the HSA and CJA will need to apply to become members of the new HSA CIO You can do this easily either by going online to the HSA website www.hsa.org.uk/CIO or by signing the form sent by post and retunring it to the HSA offices. Applications by existing members will be automatically approved and there is no need for any change to existing payment arrangements such as standing orders, gift aid declarations, etc, as these will remain valid. Those who do not apply will become a supporter of the new HSA (CIO). Either way we would like to thank you for your support of the Charity and its continuing work to improve welfare of animals at slaughter.