HSA Releases New Guidance Notes on Electrical Waterbath Stunning of Poultry
22 September 2015
As part of its work to promote the highest standards of welfare for food animals during transport, marketing and slaughter, and following on-going research into bird welfare during electrical waterbath stunning of poultry, the Humane Slaughter Association has published new guidance notes.
Primarily aimed at animal welfare officers, official veterinarians and those who train staff for Certificates of Competence in animal welfare at slaughter, the guidance, with illustrations, is intended for the global industry and is available to download free of charge from the charity’s website https://www.hsa.org.uk/shop/publications-1/product/electrical-waterbath-stunning
The guidance covers the various types of equipment available, gives examples of standard operating procedures for primary and back-up stunning equipment and information on risk assessment for animal welfare.
Dr Mohan Raj, Visiting Fellow of the University of Bristol’s School of Veterinary Science said: “… very well written and [will] be immensely helpful to the industry”.