Abstracts should be written in English and not exceed 400 words, excluding the title and the authors’ names and addresses. Text should be in Times New Roman 12 pt font:
AB Authorone1 and CD Authortwo2
1 Department of Animal Welfare Science, University of Wheathampstead, UK
2 Department of Applied Animal Welfare, University of Brewhouse Hill, UK
The title should be centred and in bold capital letters (as above). Authors who have contributed to the abstract should be identified using their initials and surname and centred under the title in bold upper and lower case. Superscript numbers (e.g. 1) should be used as necessary to indicate each author’s institutional address. Institutional addresses should be centred and in title case, with superscript number used to link them with author(s) as necessary. Each address should start on a new line. The email address of the main author to be contacted with regard to the abstract in italics should follow. A blank line should precede the text. The text should clearly and concisely outline the main findings or premise without reference(s) to other text or paper or to future findings. It can include graphs or tables but must fit on one side of A4.
Please be reminded that all oral presentation places have now been filled, however, we will still consider abstracts from those interested in presenting posters.
The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Herts, AL4 8AN, UK
Registered Charity in England No 1159690: Charitable Incorporated Organisation. Copyright © www.hsa.org.uk.