Enhancing Livestock Welfare In Latin America
Presented by award winner Dr Carmen Gallo
On Tuesday 12th October the HSA held a webinar to showcase the work of Dr Carmen Gallo, founder of the Animal Welfare Programme at the Universidad Austral de Chile. Dr Gallo is the winner of the HSA’s 2021 Humane Slaughter Award was presented at the webinar.
You can watch the webinar here
Dr Gallo gave a presentation on her work, which laid the foundation for animal welfare legislation in Chile. She is a pioneer in the field of enhancing livestock welfare in Chile and Latin America and one of the first Chilean researchers to work in animal welfare. Dr Gallo has also been instrumental in driving forward improvements to animal welfare by developing certified guidelines and training programmes for meat certifiers and official veterinary inspectors working in markets and slaughterhouses in Chile, as well as devising livestock handling and welfare training for farmers, veterinarians, technicians, and others working directly with animals. The webinar provides an opportunity to hear a first-hand account of food animal welfare in South America – some of the issues, how these were overcome and the future for livestock welfare in the region.
Dr Gallo was nominated for the HSA award in recognition of her commitment and perseverance in promoting animal welfare, especially at the beginning of her career, when society and stakeholders didn’t consider the welfare of livestock of high enough importance to make changes.
1500 Welcome and Presentation of Humane Slaughter Award 2021
Dr Huw Golledge (HSA)
1510 Animal welfare in Latin America
Dr Carmen Gallo - founder of the Animal Welfare Programme at the Universidad Austral de Chile
1555 Q&A/Discussion
1615 Close
Contact Details:
Susan Richmond, Event Organiser, HSA, The Old School, Brewhouse Hill, Wheathampstead, Hertfordshire, AL4 8AN, UK.
Tel: +44 (0) 1582 831919; Fax: +44 (0) 1582 831414; Website: www.hsa.org.uk; Email: susanrichmond@hsa.org.uk
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