When animals enter the market place, they usually have to walk over a weighbridge, either in groups or individually.
It is easier to walk animals over weighbridges in groups than individually. It can be difficult to encourage individual animals to enter the enclosed area of a weighbridge and this is made more difficult by loud clanging gates, poor lighting, the absence of a visible route forward and an unstable floor (both slippery and swaying). By the nature of the design, these problems are sometimes unavoidable, but action can be taken to minimise their effect.
These include:
Animals should enter and exit from opposite ends of the weighbridge. This will make it easier to move animals through the system and reduce slips and falls.
The repeated or routine use of handling aids such as sticks or electric goads is not acceptable. If it is found that they are used regularly then it is an indication that the design of the handling system needs to be reviewed.
Next: Sale Rings
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